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Thing is, I have related with several of your kind and I can understand with them. In fact, I was one of them.

Failure defeats its victims by making them feel different. You feel like you are just in your own world where no one sees you, where no one understands you or feel what you feel.

That mental isolation is unhealthy; its sole purpose is to take you to that phase where you see no reason to hope again.

The first way to break free from failing is not to feel different for failing; the deception that comes with failure is that you are trapped in yourself to think that no one or help can reach out to you.

Have you failed or currently failing? Welcome to the world of humans! Actually, you are not alone.

Then, what next?

There are two sides to failure and you need to make a choice as I will unveil if you stay with me. There is freedom ahead for you if you read up these words.

In life, you are either failing backward or failing forward. The choice you make when you fail either empowers you or empowers the failure to deal with you the more.

Hmmm…FLO, what do you mean by this?

Failure needs you to defeat you; no experience of failure is stronger than you

Where you stopped is where things stopped. Everything you need to keep working needs you; nothing is stronger than you until it takes your breath but nothing can take your breath except you allow it by your choice to give up.

Failure comes with many lies to sicken the mind

One of such lies is that there is no help anywhere. If whatever you have faced or are facing gets to you and blinds your mind from seeing help, then you must have empowered it.

While failure is inevitable, failing forward is something you must learn to overcome. Don’t pet it, get on with it. Yes, you can!

Hey, you can fail forward! You can leave your failures behind and get things working again. It came to blind your vision to see no help, that’s a lie, there is help!; there is a way out! Although that way out needs you to work it if it’s going to work.

Redefine failure from what makes you quit to what pulls out the strength you never knew you had.

Keep at work; fail forward!

Do you want to learn how you can make lemonade with the lemons life throws at you? Good thing is I have helped many to fail forward till success became a reality? 

Are you next in line? Wait! Are you currently struggling with issues bordering on financial, marital, health, etc) and wished there was someone experienced you could talk to for guidance/counselling? 

Well, here’s your chance to get personal with FLO on the actual steps to take on that troubling, confidential matter!


Contact FLO on: +2348030752799

WhatsApp on: +2348030752799

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